• Bouquet of daisies

Daisies, daisies, and more daisies! A bouquet composed of simply elegant daisies.

Note: a florist will contact you if there is no availability


* Here is the map of our delivery zones.  We serve the island of Montreal  (downtown, east, and west of the island) Laval, the North Shore (Blainville, Lorraine, Ste-therese, Rosemere, Boisbriand, Bois-des-fillion, St-Eustache and Terrebonne) Southshore (Longueuil, St Lambert, Brossard.

** Outside the delivery zones : It is possible to deliver, but please note that the price will change. Here are the locations where delivery is possible : West island of Montreal (Dorval and slightly further west), Mascouche, Ste-Anne-Des-Plaines and Mirabel. When the delivery is impossible for us to do, we will gladly transfer your order to a florist as close as possible to the delivery address provided.

*** Please note that we always call before delivery. This allows us to ensure that the person is available and we can validate the address at the same time. All orders made after 2:00pm will be delivered the next day. If you need more information please don`t hesitate to contact us.


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Bouquet of daisies

  • Product Code: À partir de / From : 50.00$
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 50.00$

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Tags: Bouquet de marguerites blanches, avec feuillage de base ou vous pouvez appeler chez Espace Vert Fleuriste pour d'autres couleurs

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